It is with tremendous sorrow that we recognize the passing of the wonderful Daniel W. Dietrich II (1941-2015) — art enthusiast, patron, and generous supporter of the Association for Public Art (aPA).

The aPA recently received an extraordinary gift from the Daniel W. Dietrich II Trust, Inc. to acquire Symbiosis, a masterful sculpture by internationally acclaimed artist Roxy Paine. In celebration, the aPA invited Dan to say a few words at our 143rd Annual Meeting in April:
“[Symbiosis] belongs here,” said Dan Dietrich. “I think they’ve [aPA] just done incredible work all these years, and to be able to add a piece that is . . . a part of the emotional spine of the city . . . I’m very, very happy to . . . have been able to help, finally, do something for the great people who have taken sculpture and made it not only something to champion, but something to . . . explore beyond itself . . . to give us some hope, and scale us better to each other and our community.”
Watch his full remarks below:
Video by Dave Tavani for Association for Public Art