Flora T. Ward

Development Manager

FLORA T. WARD is the Development Manager for the Association for Public Art (aPA). She oversees aPA’s membership and fundraising efforts, working with individual donors as well as foundations, corporations, and government agencies to secure financial support for the organization’s mission to commission, preserve, and promote public art in Philadelphia. 

Originally from South Carolina, Flora received her B.A. from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, her M.A. from the University of Leeds in the UK, and her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Toronto. She also spent several years in Spain carrying out research on medieval art and architecture. Since moving to Philadelphia in 2015, she has enthusiastically embraced her adopted home, working and volunteering for numerous local organizations including the Philadelphia Art Alliance, Taller Puertorriqueño, ArtBlog, and The Rosenbach. Flora also teaches art history at the Tyler School of Art, Temple University.  

Contact Information
Email: fward@associationforpublicart.org
Phone: 215.546.7550